Our Favorite Resources


Chakra Resources

Books –

Anatomy of the Spirit – The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, Ph.D
“Anatomy of the Spirit takes the interconnectedness of the mind, body and spirit even further than ever before. Based on fifteen years of research into energy medicine, it shows that we can be responsible not only for our health but for our healing. In this breakthrough book, Dr. Caroline Myss, who is herself able to diagnose illness by intuitive means, sets out a unique program specifically designed to promote spontaneous physical, emotional and spiritual healing.”

Websites –

Mind Body Green – The 7 Chakras for Beginners

Incense –

Purchase at local holistic arts stores, online on Amazon, or through Etsy.

Meditations –

Take your time searching YouTube for excellent chakra healing and scanning meditations, or visit Gabrielle Bernstein’s website for more (also on YouTube).


Yoga Resources

Books –

The Anatomy of Yoga

Websites –

Mind Body Green (link above in Chakra Basics), The Elephant Journal, and Yoga Journal.

Flows –

YouTube: Yoga with Adrienne, Tara Styles or Eckhart Yoga are all excellent resources and motivation.


Meditation Resources

Books –

Add More -Ing to Your Life – A Hip Guide to Happiness by Gabrielle Bernstein.
This book pushed many on Chakra Lotus through hard times and set them on the journey to self-heal. Life coach and motivational speaker Gabrielle Bernstein truly shows you how to make happiness a way of life by accessing your -ing – your inner Guide. In her thirty-day Equation, Gabrielle will show you how to bulldoze negative thought patterns and create personal change through positive affirmations, physical activity and visualization meditations.

Guided –

YouTube: Gabrielle Bernstein or Flourishing Lotus.

Nidra –

Guided Yoga Nidra Scripts

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