Chakra Colors

The Seven Chakras are all associated with different colors, and each color represents the energy of a chakra, activating its power and essence.  Just like the energy of color reflecting and refracting light when rainbows are created, the chakras follow the color wheel spectrum with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.  Below are the colors associated to each chakra.


Red - Root Chakra
Red – Root Chakra (Base of Spine)


The first chakra, the root, is represented by the color red and in Sanskrit called the Muladhara.  It is located at the base of the spine, or at the tailbone.  As the first color in the rainbow sequence, it represents a base for grounding energy.




Orange – Second Chakra (Sacral)


The second chakra, the sacral chakra, is represented by the color orange and in Sanskrit called Swadhisthana. It is located about two inches below the belly button and focuses around pleasure, emotions, passion, and creativity.





Yellow - Third Chakra (Solar Plexus)
Yellow – Third Chakra (Solar Plexus)


The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, is represented by the color yellow and in Sanskrit is called Manipura.  It is located in the space between your naval and where your rib cage meets (sternum), and focuses around your personal power, energy, will, and self-esteem.





Green Chakra
Green – The Fourth Chakra (Heart)


The fourth chakra, the heart, is represented by the color green and in Sanskrit is called Anahata.  It is located in the heart space and focuses around relationships, acceptance, compassion, love, and joy.




Blue Chakra
Blue – The Fifth Chakra (Throat)


The fifth chakra, the throat, is represented by the color blue and in Sanskrit is called Vishuddha.  It is located in the throat space and focuses around communication, harmony, listening, expression, and finding one’s own voice.




Indigo – Sixth Chakra (Third Eye Space)


The sixth chakra, the third eye, is represented by the color indigo and in Sanskrit is called Ajna.  It is located in the third eye space (in between the eyebrows), and focuses around intuition, imagination, dreams, insight.





Violet – The Seventh Chakra (Crown)


The seventh chakra, the crown, is represented by the color violet and in Sanskrit is called Sarhasrara.  It is located in the crown (top of the head), and focuses around wisdom, higher self, vitality, and divine light.


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