
Our Favorite Things


Chakra  Lotus

3 Favorite Books on Yoga

How Yoga Works
Light on Yoga
The Science of Yoga

3 Favorite Books on Meditation

Pema Chödrön – When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times
Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Stephan Bodian – Meditation for Dummies

Chakra Quotes

3 Favorite Guided Meditations

Everyone has a different style when it comes to mediation. The best part about guided meditations is finding the kind that resonates with you most. Try these out and continue modifying until you find your perfect fit.
Gabrielle Bernstein Guided Meditation
Natalie MacNeil Guided Meditation
YouTube – “__ Minute Meditation” for fast mediations or “Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation” for chakra focused cleansing.

Meditation Tips

3 Favorite Spots to Meditate


At home: Candle, incense, music or guided mediation recording.
Outdoors: In the park, on your porch or patio, or anywhere you can sit comfortably. Focus on Four key words that you’d like to feel in that moment or in your life (peace, love, strength, abundance, etc.)
Walking Meditation: Focus on your breath, the weight of your body as it moves and shifts, the intention of each step, and the four focus words as described above.

Meditation Tips

3 Must-Haves for Meditation


Truly, you don’t need anything. Just your mind. These items are just to help you focus and invite an atmosphere of wellness. Use one or all of them!
Essential oil – Peppermint for energy or lavender for relaxation
Music or guided meditation recording
We would love to know your favorite things – let’s connect on Instagram!

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